Personalize Your Space With a DIY Gallery Wall

  • 4 years ago

Curate a magazine-worthy gallery wall — with everyday masterpieces you already own.

Blending interior design styles with a roommate or partner is all about including personal touches and pinpointing a shared interest or aesthetic. Of course, anyone can create an expressive gallery wall, whether you live by yourself or with friends or family.

When people move in together, they want to make space for not only their furniture and accent pieces but also their styles

Active couples share a love for food and entertaining, so you should set out to brighten the dining room.

The dining room should connect the home’s cozy living room with the kitchen, from which you can draw foodie inspiration for the gallery wall.

When creating a gallery wall, it’s a good idea to create a balance of organic shapes and square corners.

On the wall, vintage cookbooks, antique kitchen tools and metallic shapes like street signs and decorative letters complement the framed art and images, while a variety of shapes and sizes provide visual interest.


Make a game plan

Lay the items out on the floor so you can try different arrangements — without hammering a single nail.

Once you’ve decided which items to include, trace their shapes on leftover wrapping paper or butcher paper, and then tape these templates to the wall to guide you in placing nails and hangers.

For a final touch, include a small piece of furniture at the bottom of your gallery wall. A chest or bench anchors the whole scene and makes a lovely spot for a row of glasses or a flower arrangement.

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